Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How to end world poverty :: Theory One

While in Europe last month we made sure we saw as many 'tourist' sights that we could. This included statues, old buildings and churches. It was during visits of the latter when I had this brilliant idea on how to end world hunger/poverty. You see, there are thousands of old catholic-based churches in europe. And by experience, I've come to two conclusions about catholics. 1.Their faith is so shallow that they must build and decorate elaborate churches to 'house' God, and 2.They are greedy. I know this doesn't extend to the worshipers there, its just church itself.

In almost every large church that we visited, there were countless historic paintings, gold, relics and more. Now i know that it says in the bible that God loves the wealthy more than the poor...wait no it doesn't...yet these churches hoard these relics like there is no tomorrow.

So here is my proposition. I would bet anything that if the catholic church sold off even 50% of their treasure they could pretty much buy half of Africa and maybe bring a better life for those who need help.

Now i know you say giving money doesn't stop poverty, but I'm not suggesting that. What i mean is that the church could then fund enough programs of irrigation, drinking water, crop stabilization, etc to let those in poverty build themselves out.
So what if you can't worship or pray to the painting of mary on the wall of the church. Do you think that God would be hurt if you didn't have that statue of a naked cherub greeting everyone as they entered the church? I mean they can say that these are priceless peices of history and art, but really, is it seriously worth more than helping people live better?

Take another example that I saw: the Vatican. Biggest tourist trap ever. Come see where the pope lives! Yah!! As if the catholic church didn't make enough with collection plates, they charge you to get in to see the world's famous Bastilia. And I'm sure there are hundreds of people every day paying $75 for private tours. They even charged us just to walk to the top of the church. I really thought that God didn't like people using the church for profit. hmmm

So here is the challange Catholic Church! How about you realize that God doesn't care if the church looks rich and pretty. He doesn't care if it is a work of art. I'm sure whoever buys it will cherish it just the same. God wants you to care about others, his people, the poor who Jesus treasured above others. Does the vatican think they can bring that wealth when they die?

Ok enough ranting.
Send any death threats via comments.



Anonymous said...

i'd bet that while there are not as many North American, conservative evangelical Christians as there are banner-carrying catholics around the world, the north american christians collectively spend more on mortgages, inflatable rentals for day camps, christian concerts and wwjd bracelets than the catholics spend on their church buildings.
we're actually the greedy ones

aaron robb said...

True, but I'm talking about the troves that catholic churches have from the past. The ornaments in these buildings are just sitting there glorifying the past, waiting for people to worship them. Anyway, its just a theory. :)

Anonymous said...

I've heard this idea before.... oh, from Judas in the Bible.

aaron robb said...

Judas wanted to sell off the church? I think i missed something there.