Monday, September 10, 2007

Pinery Weekend

We spent the last weekend camping with our good friends Mike, Sarah and Shannon up at the Pinery. The weather was great so we hit the beach, bodysurfed on the huge waves and then proceeded to jump down dunes. I personally love doing this because you can literally jump down 10 or more feet and not get hurt (since you're jumping into a pile of sand). I think next year i'm going to measure how far I can jump in hopes of breaking records. We also played some games including Dutch Blitz, a game that I suck at royally, but i never want to stop playing. I think its because i keep thinking that one time i'll actually be close to winning. It could become an addiction. i'll have to watch that.
Overall it was a great weekend, a good way to end summer. I'll have to link to some photos once Sarah gets them up.


So i had this idea over a year ago to create a site where you can log in and you get an area to paste bits of text or photos from websites that you want to remember and didn't want to just keep in your clipboard in case you eraced it. But of course I had to be outdone by a little company called Google. They now have a new Google App called Notebook, which lets you copy and paste text and autosaves it for future use. Check it out her at:
They also have a browser addon to make it easy to open a little copy window.

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