Tuesday, March 13, 2007

End of my era.

So i'm told that an era is a long period of history with a noteable feature or characteristic. I guess this applies to the past two years for me. At the end of this month I'll be closing down my studio location (just the location, not the photography business). It is an era for myself in that I built everything there with my own hands, my life and heart (and some blood here and there) went into it. I took it from an empty, dirty back of a wharehouse and made it into my second home. I know all the creaks, leaks and what steps not to step on (damn those stairs are hard to build straight). Its been my shelter, my bat cave, where creativity came, and left. The reason for the closing is mainly money. It was costing me too much to keep it open with rent, and driving there with the price gas is now was just insane. Plus only 1 out of 10 shoots happened at teh studio, most of what i do are on location. This also gives me the chance to get out into the location photography groove which i've been neglecting since having a studio to fall back on. So it comes to an end. The future is bright, the money I save should help pay off some debts and hopefully eventually I'll open a new location that meets more of my current needs.

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