Well its been quite a busy week here. This past weekend I got to enjoy my sister-in-law Rachel's wedding to Nathan (see link to the right). It was a great wedding, as well as the few days before and after. I got to hang out with Nathan's friends for two nights, met some cool people there, won $80 at a casino and got to watch nathan get dressed up like a girl. All in all an eventful time! The wedding was like nothing i've been to before. The cerimony was nice and short (thanks Joe!) and the reception was a pot-luck, which was a great idea by Rach and Nathan. Definetly came with a sense of community; everyone coming together, providing food for each other, enjoying the night. It was great! I'll link some photos with this post later today.
But on to more exciting news. Today we leave for europe!!!!!!
Me and Danielle are going to be flying out to europe tonight for 6 weeks. Staying in England for a day, we then get to hang out in an airport all night and grab an early flight to Bologna, Italy and train over to Venice to start our adventure. From there we have no plans, no itinary, no clue. I think this is the best way to travel! This way you're never late for your plans, you don't have to rush and you will probably see things you didn't even think about!!
So watch this blog for updates (as many as I can when I get to a internet cafe). This is going to allow me to update more of you faster than emails, which bodes well in 6 euros-an-hour cafes.

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