Monday, November 06, 2006

Come hither Robin Hood!

As attention spans get smaller and bigbox stores get larger, it has come to this writer’s attention that the world seems content to be separated by class and money. The wealthy are getting richer off of first world nations’ hunger for anything that makes life easier and more fun, while the poorer nations are only getting…well…poorer.
Its amazing how self-centered and cheap people are as we see in a recent study of church tithing (giving of money to the church). While the bible recommends giving upwards of 10% of what you make to the church, a meager 1.5% is actually given. Could you imagine the tens of millions that the church could be using to help the poor (if that is indeed what the ‘church’ did with the money)?
What if the 50 richest people in the world gave even 10% of what they made to the poor countries to aid with relief or just to get healthcare.
A modern-day Robin Hood character is what I am suggesting to relinquish this divide of rich and poor. We have tried asking for money (and some does come to the aid of those in need when you show photos of crying children with no shoes in mud huts). There have been celebrity charities and spokespeople (some of which have done amazing things, thank you Bono). But what the world needs now is a vigilante whose only goal is to take from the rich who spend money on frivolous things without thinking about the money, and get it to those who need it. Someone who works under the cover of night and secrecy, whose ambition it is to not have the glamour of being in the spotlight for doing these deeds but who does it for the glory of those in need. There are so many Prince John’s in the world today, although some take the form of entertainers or tycoons, and who aren’t evil animals (see the children’s cartoon for reference on evil animals), but still they ‘hoard’ and ‘tax’ without giving back.
Where is our arrow-shooting, law-evading hero? Has our society become so registrated and policed that there is no hope for people who will do what is right and take from the rich? Why doesn’t the world care about the people dying every day from hunger and lack of healthcare?
It is because society thinks that there are ‘other people’ helping and that they don’t need to because of those good Samaritans. Ignorance is a great inhibitor of feelings and thoughts, especially if it is something that you only see on TV, where fact and fiction get so jumbled up that the subconscious mind has a problem deciphering.
I say let the Robin Hoods come! Lets start a revolution where having too much money doesn’t give you the leisure of being ignorant. You don’t need that extra Porsche, or that fifty thousand foot addition onto your second guesthouse. Beware those who are wealthy and don’t help humanity! Keep your silver pouches in eyesight, for you never know when a hero will come out of the forest’s shadows to snatch it from your carriage!

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